Thursday, August 22, 2002


oh there are too many thoughts in my head!

i had my first "real" experience as a make-up artist today. i'm helping my mom for a chinese evangelistic drama at TCCC tomorrow and saturday night. tonight was the final dress rehearsal. even though my job was just putting foundation on all the actors, i still took a couple observations away from it.
1. i really take joy in knowing that even in this small, unnoticed task, my God can be glorified. it's great to be a part of the body of Christ. :>
2. it's a weird sensation having to touch so many people's faces. :p

since i didn't post an update yesterday, i'll just say that the garages are finished and i'm at least two shades darker. it only took me a total of 10 hours. i thought it would take much longer. now my mom's going around telling everyone she knows to drive by our house. and my parents are trying to come up with something for me to paint on the garage doors at my dad's car repair shop... (i think they're being chinese, finding ways not to waste the extra paint! lol.) at least i know that if i can't find a job, i have something to fall back on - custom garage door painting. :)

changing topics again, i'm wondering why humans question God so much. like who's in control here? does He not know what He's doing? better yet, do we know what we're doing? so why do we keep questioning His reasons? i get frustrated at myself for coming back again and again to this fundamental question. but then, i was thinking about people in the bible and i realized i'm not the only one who questions. and i think some more and i realize i can't begin to fathom the depth of love God must have for us, to be so patient with us and still continue to bless us.

anyway, i'll leave you with one last thought that stuck out at me today. during the prayer meeting before rehearsal this afternoon, we looked at joshua chapter 3, just before the isrealites were to cross the jordan to capture jericho. one sentence the leader prayed encouraged me and also made me think. he said something to the effect of, Lord, we did not choose to fight this battle, but You chose us to. huh.

The Lord said to Job:
"Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him?
Let him who accuses God answer him!"

Then Job answered the Lord :
"I am unworthy-how can I reply to you?
I put my hand over my mouth.
I spoke once, but I have no answer-
twice, but I will say no more.
Job 40:1-5

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