Friday, August 30, 2002


its another thing to be able to be completely real and yourself with every single one of those people u know

we were discussing the pros and cons of having multiple circles of friends. how it's good because a large network allows you to connect people to the help they need. but also how it's tough because it's hard to keep yourself transparent in all circumstances. my friend's comment got me thinking about my own friends and acquaintances. if a classmate were to come hang out with me at fellowship, would they see the same person? if my christian friends were to drop in on me at work, would they recognize me? if my parents stayed with me in res...? i guess it all comes back to living Christ 24/7 and being acutely aware of it. or is it possible to be in such a habit of living Christ that one does not have to stop and evaluate anymore? hmm...

on a lighter note, i went to send my hair off yesterday. fourteen inches of black, braided hair. since the office is in florida, i had to declare what was inside the package. so, yeah, the customs label had "contents: hair". and it was marked as a gift. :p i can only hope that the customs inspector doesn't pass out. :)

The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.
~Proverbs 10:9~

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