Tuesday, October 11, 2005


i've been reflecting on Moses and his burning bush encounter the past couple days. the first thing that i realized is Moses' response to God. God calls him out of this bush that's on fire and Moses says "Here I am." now obviously from what follows, Moses has not really met God yet because God has to explain to him who He is. so what intrigues me is the fact that the first words out of Moses' mouth are not "Who are you? And what do you want?". because if i were him, that's what i would say. so it seems that Moses, over the many years of refinement in the wilderness tending sheep, has become sure of who he is and comfortable with his identity. he hears his name and he owns up to being just who he is. in comparison, i'm still very unsure of myself and as a result, i'm quite defensive. this is definitely an area i want to grow in.

another thing i noticed before is that i'm very much like Moses, always giving excuses for why i don't think i'm able to do what God has asked me to do. what i haven't really looked at is God's responses to his objections.

over and over again, Moses tells God that he can't do it. and over and over again, God tells Moses he's being sent and things are going to be ok. finally, God's "anger burns" against Moses. and then what? God says "ok, punk. your chances are up. i'm giving this privilege of working with me to someone else"? not exactly. God still insists that Moses take this call. but He sends Aaron to go with him. i suspect though, that because God sent Aaron out of anger toward Moses, the disagreements and strife that come with interpersonal relationships were an avoidable consequence if only Moses had obeyed the first time he was asked.

which leads me to think, God has called me to follow Him and i frequently whine and ask Him to send me a companion. i wonder if that's the wisest thing to ask for? ;p

Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
~Lamentations 3:22-23~