Friday, July 11, 2003


despite the fact that i don't have much going on these days, i've still managed to procrastinate for a whole week on several small tasks. a couple of the items i've put off simply because i really dislike picking up the phone to call people. but one of the slightly more important tasks involves writing a letter.

every time i sit down to write it, my mind draws a blank. is it because i have nothing to say? not really. do i not want to write this person? no. i want to send this letter. then why? hm. i realize that i haven't written a letter in a long time. i feel rusty and i don't know how to begin. these days, communication needs to be quick so we email, icq or talk on the phone. the trouble with this high speed communication is that we end up writing in sentence fragments and shortforms all over the place. handwritten letters are simply a dying species. when i was growing up, i wrote letters all the time. but since i hit university, my letter writing has dwindled. maybe now that i have time, i can start it up again. :>

and now that i've written to procrastinate about writing the letter, i think i'll actually start the letter.

Don't procrastinate--there's no time to lose.
~Proverbs 6:4[Message]~

oops. :p

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