Tuesday, July 02, 2002


i had a chance to chill with some old friends from high school this evening. our topic of conversation somehow meandered to a discussion on walking away vs. confronting a person who - to put it crudely - gives you crap. they each cited various examples from their lives of situations where they felt they had had enough and they needed to stand up for themselves. "walking away is a sign of strength, but if the other person doesn't see it as that, they'll just think you're weak. you need to put them in their place sometimes."

perhaps. but i knew they wouldn't understand if i had told them that for me, knowing who i am in Christ means that i don't have to make sure people have the perception of me that i'd like them to have. knowing that i am valuable enough in God's eyes to put his grace into action to save me means that i don't have to be concerned about what others think of me. and i don't have to worry about being taken advantage of if i'm living for His approval only.

incidentally, for anyone who's interested in more on this idea, Richard Foster writes brilliantly about it in a chapter on Servanthood in his book "Celebration of Discipline."

oh, there's always so much to learn. what a joy! :)

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