Sunday, July 21, 2002

TOO MUCH...almost

wowee. what a weekend. it's 1:00am and i'm waiting for my parents to get home from their three-day trip to the states. i'm tired, but i want to see them so i figured i'd try to be somewhat productive and write a little something here. :>

in short, i have been overwhelmed by God's grace these past few days. He has been teaching me so much that i don't know where to start sharing! i guess i'll post some hightlights...

worshipping with John 4:24 last night at mel lastman square was unbelievable. in a way, it felt similar to the ROM event: i was simply there as a participant in God's work. He brought a lady to us in the middle of the chalk drawing section who requested that we sing Amazing Grace. her son had died and he would have been 19 yesterday. she had just come from the cemetery and she really wanted to hear the song. i don't know who was more moved at that moment - her or us. but one thing is for sure, God was certainly there. and so i praise Him.

this evening, people from York CCF came over for a planning meeting. it turned out to be a prayer meeting more than anything. we still got our planning done, but the depth of sharing we did and the intensity of prayer we had was incredible. i was reminded again of the fact that each of us face our own struggles in this life, but by God's grace, we have people to share the road with. i have this theory that spending time in prayer before any planning or preparation happens increases the productivity immensely (be it worship team, fellowship committee...). tonight was no exception. and so i praise Him.

i've started to read a book called Future Grace by John Piper and it has strengthened me so much, especially in the face of all these events and responsibilities. the basic premise is this: God's past graces, the ways He has shown Himself faithful, should spur us into having more faith in His future grace, the ways He will show Himself faithful. because of faith in God's future grace, we can live out Christ's command not to worry. in this way, we can also live with abandon in Christ. i've discovered a new prayer to pray for myself and all the people around me who are going through tough times. Lord, grant us more grace, and give us more faith! i thank God for giving us His word and His promises. He is faithful, indeed. and so i praise Him.

i am in awe that God would chose to work in and through us. we don't deserve it. we let Him down time and time again! but still, He woos us, calling us to come near, lavishing His grace on us.

How can I repay the LORD
for all his goodness to me?

I will lift up the cup of salvation
and call on the name of the LORD.
I will fulfill my vows to the LORD
in the presence of all his people.
Praise the LORD.
Psalm 116:12-14, 19b

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