Tuesday, July 23, 2002


"keep the site sheltered. high winds damage butterflies' gossamer wings."
~attract butterflies to your garden (reader's digest, aug 2002)

why is it so hard to keep faith?

God has been showing Himself so faithful to me especially in these past couple of weeks and i still find myself doubting His goodness. i can understand doubt in times of trial. but doubt in times of victory?

yesterday, i found myself wondering if God has been purposely emphasizing His presence in my life to prepare me for a time of devestation. it frightens me that i would think like this. that i would be suspicious of His grace. i'm not sure how i should deal with these thoughts. where is this pessimism coming from? are there thoughts like these echoed somewhere in scripture? i guess everyone comes across hard times sooner or later, so i shouldn't be surprised if i were to experience loss or despair in the near future. but it just strikes me as odd that i would think of this in the midst of such a joyous time.

But [God] gives us a greater grace.
James 4:6 [NASB]

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