Tuesday, September 17, 2002


so i did my lighting presentation today. it went over very well. my original idea was to build a flower that was black on the outside that would open up to reveal layers of coloured material - reminiscent of how sunlight slowly allows colour to be seen. i spent most of my weekend trying to find a way to build the flower so that it would close like a bud and open like it was blooming. by 11:30pm last night, i still hadn't found a way to construct it to my liking so out of desperation, i tried to think of other approaches. actually, by sunday night, i was already quite frustrated, but monday morning, i thought i came up with a solution (which later proved to be no good). anyway, while i was packing my stuff to go back to res, i happened to grab a coloured scarf and a yellow rose made of ribbon, just in case i could use it to fill my flower.

so last night, in my state of exhaustion, i ditched the flower idea and thought i'd keep it simple; i'd use my hands to hold the scarf and slowly open them to reveal the "sunrise." i have to explain my scarf, though. it's a chiffon-like shimmery material that gradates from purple to light purple to white to orange. so as i held the yellow rose, i wrapped the scarf around it so that when i opened my hands, it initially would be purple, then it would slowly progress to show the orange and finally, the rose.

the second component to my presentation was music. just like the scarf idea, the music was also God-given. on sunday, i met with a bunch of girls at my church to rehearse a body-worship we'll be presenting at tccc this coming sunday. the song we're working with is Shout To The Lord, a version by Chris Tomlin. while we were rehearsing, i realized that the introduction sounded like a sunrise(!). so i decided to include it with my presentation. in the end, the audio and visual elements connected beautifully and i was just so relieved and thankful when it was over. :>

in making this project, i was reminded of a couple things about God:
1. His creative powers are just soooooooooo great. while it took me three agonizing days to figure out i can't make a flower, He makes millions of them in a moment.
2. in using my hands to reveal the sunrise, i caught a glimpse of how God does that every morning when He opens His hands to reveal each day.

for all the frustration that went into it, i think that the experience was worth it. so i'm glad. :>

Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
~Lamentations 3:22-23~

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