Friday, February 07, 2003


hope keeps us going when it seems like life is too much to handle. hope in what? hope in love. hope in a love that is greater than ourselves, greater than our ephemeral causes. hope in a love that allows what we do to make a mark in eternity.

there is a dark cloud of worry hovering over my mind and my heart, waiting for me to succumb to its pressure. waiting for me to give up. but i know this is a battle. i know that because of the love of Jesus Christ, I WILL WIN. i am determined. i will cling to God. Satan, you will not get to me! i have the Living Saviour on my side! i have prayers of numerous saints, the prayers of my friends, uplifting me. i have angels standing guard around me. my feet are firmly planted on the unshakable Word. this house will not fall.

when i look back on these days, the Glory of God will be written across them. that is my hope. Jesus is my champion.

Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.
~Psalm 42:11~

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