Wednesday, December 25, 2002


i'm typing away at my blog entry and i glance down under the posting window to see three slightly peculiar words: enter safe mode. and i think, wouldn't it be great if we could have that in real life? just press a button and enter the safe mode where none of life's bad stuff can get at you. in the safe mode, you can avoid all of satan's attacks, you can be free from all the pain and suffering in this world - you can reach for your dreams without the risk of falling or failing. and then i realize that as Christians, we live in dangerous mode, fighting daily battles. yet ultimately, we do live in safe mode. because of Christ, we are hidden in God. He keeps us safe. He protects us from harm. in His will, we can accomplish much.

as Christians, we have so much reason to celebrate today - Jesus' birthday - the day safe mode was made possible. :>

For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
~Colossians 3:3~

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