Thursday, December 05, 2002


so what i wrote yesterday was too long to post. alors, here it is in two parts.


the craziness is over!!! praise God that i did not get sick or have any major emotional or spiritual breakdowns. the last five days has brought me many lessons that i just didn't have time to post so i guess i'll post them now (and you can read them at your leisure).

God's abounding grace
no matter how many times it's happened before, one thing that always amazes me is the way God multiplies my time when i stop doubting and allow Him to do His work through me despite my busy schedule. last friday, when my mom was driving me back home from res, she informed me that i would have to add buying primer and priming some boards to my to-do list on saturday. my dad was supposed to prime the boards for a set for our church outreach but he'd run out of paint so i had to go buy some and finish the painting. while i already had laundry, making dinner, finishing an essay, reading a play, doing a drawing assignment and going to a potluck dinner on my list, i still said yes to my mom, knowing that if i didn't do it, it really wouldn't get done. i only prayed that God would be just and see that i was only doing this for Him. and He was merciful. i completed everything i needed to do in time. it took me until sunday, but i got everything done and none of my assignments were late.

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