Sunday, June 05, 2005


prior to May 2005, i had never seen any of the Star Wars movies. of course, living with three brothers here, within this past month, i've managed to see all six of them. however, the experience of seeing EPIII was one never to be forgotten.

our family here went on vacation to a nearby city this past weekend - one that actually was showing Star Wars in english! so after dinner on Saturday, we headed over to the theatre only to find out that the last english showing for the day was just finishing. not to be phased, our boys went to talk to the manager to ask if they would add a showing just for us. i wasn't there for the conversation but obviously, their act was convincing because we got not only a showing in english, but free pop and practically a theatre all to ourselves! and when we walked in, we realized that the seats were fully adjustable, plush leather recliners. hahahaha... what a sweet deal. and what a funny surprise from Dad, who knew that i really wanted to watch this movie on the big screen with my brothers.

ah, He spoils me.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights who does not change like shifting shadows.
~James 1:17~

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