Sunday, June 12, 2005


You do not know what prayer is for until you know that life is war.
--John Piper, Let The Nations Be Glad

the other day, i was chatting with a good friend over msn, telling him how much we need prayer over here because of all that's been happening. i thought to myself "there are only three weeks before i go home... i can't wait! i'll be able to relax a bit then." but then i realized that no, even though i feel the intensity of the spritual battle here, it's exactly the same back in North America. the war's just not as obvious there. in fact, because things are more comfortable in North America, the enemy has an upperhand because he's fooled us into believing that we don't have to fight. reality though, is that on this side of eternity, it will always be a war, no matter where you are on the earth. and the more i see reality, the more i understand the final words of the Bible and why they're so meaningful.

on a related note, i'm also seeing more and more that prayer is not the supportive, behind the scenes activity that we tend to think it is. prayer is the cutting edge, front-lines offensive attack. prayer conquers enemy territory before we physically get there or see any results. that said, i realize that all that i've seen happen this year is only a shadow of the valiant efforts of the saints back home who've gone ahead of me by prayer, cutting through the enemy lines in the realm of the unseen.

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
~Revelation 22:20~

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