Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I can't believe you guys are still reading this, even after disappearing for a good 5 months! Anyway, just a comment on the picture below... it was taken by one of my friends here on the morning of my 24th birthday. seriously, were i not here in this culture, i would never have taken a picture like this! (there were three of us and they insisted that we each take a "jumping" picture) hahaha... anyway, it was a beautifully sunny day and we had a wonderful time in the flower garden. what a great gift from Daddy! among many other gifts, of course.

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
~Psalm 139:16~


Miyu said...

you should post more crazy "fobby" pics!! =)

lynnie said...

yeah can't get enough of your blogs.

tim chan said...

ah, so that's the explanation. glad the culture is affecting you in a positive way ;)

S.W. said...

it's an awesome pic! and happy belated 24th! wow... that's old :p