Wednesday, August 13, 2003


i once heard this story in a sermon but tonight, it resurfaced to my mind. it's probably not exactly as i heard it, but it'll still illustrate the point.

in a certain jungle, a group of hunters were known for their unique way of catching the monkeys harassing their community. every evening, they would set out a large jar of nuts by the trees and go back to their homes. in the middle of the night, when everyone was asleep, the monkeys would come out and approach the jar. seeing that it held a yummy assortment of nuts, one of the animals would reach its hand into the jar and take a big handful. but then, panic would hit: the monkey wouldn't be able to get its hand out! the fist, full of nuts, would not fit past the opening of the jar. and since the jar was too heavy for the monkey to lift, it had no choice but to stay stuck there, defeated, until the hunters found it the next morning. the key, of course, was that all the monkey had to do was let go of a few of those nuts and it would have been free.

i realized tonight that i've been acting like that monkey recently. i've been trapping myself by holding on to worries about things i should not be thinking of at the moment. so once again, i find myself stuck with my hand in the jar and God's looking at me and prodding me "just let go a little! then you will be free to bring out the rest of the nuts in your hand to offer to me." how i pray that i would be a wise monkey!

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
~Matthew 11:28-30~

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