Thursday, March 06, 2003


February 5, 2003: york ccf goes to ICC soup kitchen. ols talks to a man named peter. finds out he's having a hard time finding a place to live. hears about his current mice-infested living conditions. decides to put peter on prayer list to ask God to help him find a place.

February 19, 2003: ols visits ICC sans ccf. peter is still looking for a place. he seems more agitated and burdened than the last time. ols decides to keep praying.

March 5, 2003: york ccf goes to ICC soup kitchen again. ols talks to peter. peter says he found a place that's everything he wanted and more. when did he find it? February 20, 2003.

coincidence? i think not.

we're dealing with Higher Powers here, people.

three cheers for God?! AMEN!

You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat.
~Isaiah 25:4~

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