Friday, November 22, 2002


i am now officially in the last major crunch of the semester. i spent 10 1/2 hours on my set design project in the studio yesterday (not including 5 or so hours of work for other courses). and i still have so much left to finish before our presentations start on tuesday! i want to stay at school this weekend but i can't. i feel like school's more than i can handle even if it were the only thing on my plate... but alas, i have multiple other things going on outside of school that eat up my time as well... anywho, all this to say that i might not be posting updates for a short while (the craziness ends dec 7).

it's in times like these that i know that the strength i live on does not and cannot come from me. even the most disciplined time managing go-getter would be burned out. i've come to know the sweetness of the morning silence spent with God - no matter how short it may be. to be honest, the number of tasks in front of me is daunting and i'm afraid at times. but i have peace, knowing that i don't walk this road alone. actually, i think that that is one of the most assuring things anyone can hear - that there is company in this journey. :>

well, it's back to the books. to everyone who's in crunch mode too: take care of yourself and remember to eat well (the Word!).

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts...
And be thankful.
~Colossians 3:15~

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