Thursday, November 07, 2002


Oh kneel me down again here at Your feet,
Show me how much You love humility,
Oh spirit be the star that leads me to
The humble heart of love I see in You;

'Cause You are the God of the broken,
Friend of the weak,
You wash the feet of the weary,
embrace the ones in need,
I want to be like You, Jesus,
To have this heart in me;
You are the God of the humble,
You are the Humble King.

the past two days have been wave after wave of God showing me the brokenness of our human condition. last night, at the International Christian Centre, our fellowship went to serve food to the people at the soup kitchen. there were more people there than usual and a number of us had some very meaningful conversations with the people there. usually, we leave at about 9:30 or 10:00 but last night, we stayed until at least 10:30, if not later. by the end of the night it was such a lesson in putting myself aside simply because i was so tired and hungry. but while we were waiting for the last few conversations and prayers to finish, we sang some songs. Humble King was one of them. i'd never sang that song with so much heart and understanding before. it wasn't until i was weak, tired and hungry that i saw how Jesus came to serve me and all those around me who were weaker, more tired and hungrier than i.

then, in class today, my friend mentioned that she would have been a mom by now had it not been for a miscarriage. and she probably wouldn't be in my classes had that not happened. i don't know how to put my thoughts and feelings into words other than that my heart weeps for her.

my third lesson in brokenness came a little later today. another friend of mine is struggling with something and i was asked to help. i felt completely inadequate to help (and still feel that way). the best i can offer are my ears and Jesus Christ.

Lord, teach me how to love.

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
~1Peter 4:8~

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