Friday, July 02, 2004


in celebration of our nations's 137th birthday, our family took a road trip up to Midland, a town up north by Georgian Bay where we'd booked an afternoon cruise around the 30,000 islands. when we set off in the morning, it was nice and bright, a beautiful day. but as we drove, the sky seemed to get darker and darker. we were literally driving away from the clear skies and into cloud covered territory. as i was sitting in the backseat, i asked God, why are you allowing it to rain? it's a vacation day. i was hoping for nice weather. and in the stillness, i heard His reply, it will rain on the journey. the sun will shine when you get there.

of course, God didn't have to listen to my complaints and i really had no right to demand fair weather. but true enough, by the time we boarded the ship, the sky was blue and hardly a cloud was in sight (and as a consequence, i'm a little lobster-esque today ;p ).

the lesson? it will rain on the journey. on this side of eternity, while we're living on this earth, there will be non-ideal conditions and hardships. BUT, the sun will shine when we get there. and that is our hope.

of course, it's yet another piece of evidence that God spoils me. :)

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
~2 Corinthians 4:17~

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