Saturday, January 03, 2004


first entry of 2004! let me just say that i am so excited about this year. it's going to be a year of crazy hard work, but oh, it's such a satisfying thing. :)

anyway, this past week, i was hanging with friends from C² at their EWC down at the Sheraton Centre. i couldn't have asked God for a better end to the year or start to the new year. :D

in the final evening session before the new year's party started, the speaker, Dr. Crawford Loritts explained Joshua 1:8. the verse talks about meditating on God's word night and day and the illustration he used really got to me. he said that the word for "meditate" actually means something more like let it be background music to your day. running with that analogy, i think my background "music" is mostly static these days. so my prayer for this year especially is this: that i would immerse myself in God's word so that it can become background music for all my thoughts - because knowing God's word is the foundation to knowing Him.


Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
~Joshua 1:8~