Friday, January 09, 2004


i was reading Genesis 3:1-9 the other day, looking at the fall of man and God's initiative love in seeking Adam and Eve even when He knew they had sinned. i thought about how gracious God is and how selfless He is to give us another chance. then, i saw how God allowed Adam and Eve to come clean on their own accord by simply asking a question ("Where are you?"). and as i thought about God's approach toward reaching people, i saw how i could learn from Him in my own outreach endeavours. so many times, i'm so concerned about the message i want to tell that i don't even think to hear about the other person's story. i realized that i need to learn how to ask more questions 'cuz questions signify interest in the other person. but going deeper than that, i first need to love, 'cuz i can't ask good questions unless i truly care.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
~Romans 5:8~

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