Thursday, October 23, 2003


in the 16th/17th century court of King Louis XIV, dances were a common occurance and all the refined members of society would know how to dance. if you were an especially good dancer, the king would invite you to sit closer to him.

since i'm taking a dance class this year, i've been rediscovering my love of movement. i've also been thinking about how i love to dance for my King - Jesus. and i realized that just like in the courts of Versailles, if our dances (ie, dancing to His music - living by the Spirit, dancing the steps of love, faith, etc) are pleasing, our King invites us to come and sit closer to Him. and we don't even have to be expert dancers.

maybe it's because i love dance, but to me, that's a beautiful illustration. :>

In GOD's presence I'll dance all I want!... Oh yes, I'll dance to GOD's glory.
~2 Samuel 6:21 [the Message]~

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