Sunday, October 13, 2002


something i keep struggling with is being wholly satisfied in Christ. it's like, some days, the world is golden and i don't want anything other than what i have. other days, i feel like i have to fight myself because my yearning for a companion is so deep. on one hand, i know that Christ is the only one who will not let me down and in whom i will find full satisfaction. but on the other hand, i am also keenly aware of my desire for human company. i couldn't figure out how to reconcile the apparent dichotomy... until this morning.

my pastor was finishing a series of sermons about "the 'I' and the 'We'." and today, he started off his sermon by explaining that God made Adam and Eve to be in community with each other. i almost laughed when i heard that because here was this fundamental idea that i'd totally forgotten (or disregarded). and here was the answer i'd been searching for.

God gave me a hug this morning. a much-needed, fully-encouraging hug. :>

The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
~Genesis 2:18~

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