Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Mealtimes in our home often fill both our stomachs and our souls. Tim and I love having meaningful conversation over food. Last night was no exception.

As we talked, I got to thinking about how I often expect myself to get every little detail perfect or not to mess up anything small. I wondered out loud why I had such high expectations of myself.

After a brief pause, Tim said, "Too high? Or too low?"

I was puzzled. Too low?

He went on to explain himself. If I was aiming to get every little thing right, my expectations would be too high. But if I was aiming to achieve greater things, the small errors wouldn't mean as much. Concerning myself about the nitty-gritty when there were bigger things to focus on would be expecting too little.

How often I need to renew my vision!

But you are a shield around me, O LORD; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head.
~ Psalm 3:3 ~

1 comment:

vinci said...

Hi Olive :)
Good to know that you're still updating your blog! Seems like forever since the last time we chatted (and that I sent you an email). It's been such a busy time ever since I started work! I'll email you soon. Looks like you're having a good time in the West with Tim! When will you come back to visit?
