Monday, May 16, 2005


"'Friend,' [the king] asked, ' how did you get in here without wedding clothes?'" Matthew 22:12

A king invites his friends and people of good standing to attend his son's wedding banquet. I can understand that. They all decline and he is not impressed. I can understand that. So he sends his servants out to bring in random people off the streets. I can sort of understand that. But then he sees one of these guests in rags, gets mad and orders him thrown outside. I can't understand that.

Why did he do that?

I can't understand why the king would expect a bum off the street to be wearing wedding clothes. Where did he expect this guy to get nice clothes anyway? I don't understand it. At least not until I realize that it's because the king's the one who provided the clothes for all of his guests in the first place. So not to be wearing the wedding clothes is to insult the character of the king.

Likewise, I am a rogue on the street and the King has invited me to attend His banquet of life today. He's provided everything, the food, the music, the occasion... He's also provided His grace for me to wear. And it's my choice - do I insist on my dirty rags of self-effort and pride, trying to patch up the holes and cover the stains? Or do I gratefully accept this clean, tailor-made garment of grace?

It really is all about the King. He initiates everything. He provides everything. Including the very clothes we wear at His banquet.

So...What are you wearing today?

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.
~ Ephesians 2:8-9 ~

1 comment:

tim chan said...

ah, so insightful. i've never thought of that before. glad you're blogging again olive. i've missed your the gems that are found in your blogs.