Thursday, June 24, 2004


a few months ago, a couple of my friends were discussing how they were memorizing Paul's trustworthy sayings in his letters to Timothy. truthfully, i'd never noticed them before then. and to be even more frank, even though it's occurred to me to look into them more, i haven't - at least not yet.

however, one of them sticks out to me as more precious than the others at this moment of my life. because at this moment, i am fiercely fighting onslaughts of doubt that are trying to pummel me to the ground. preparing to leave and trusting God to provide all i need for next year is proving to be a battle i hadn't exactly anticipated would be this tough. i feel a little like i'm on a boat in the midst of a storm, trying desperately to keep the water out but somehow, waves keep crashing in onto the deck. but in between waves, things are ok.

some people say that all we need is faith the size of a mustard seed. now i know a mustard seed is a very small thing so it shouldn't be that difficult to find that little bit of faith. but if we're honest with ourselves, there are times when even that speck of faith seems to be misplaced. having said all this, now you can appreciate why Paul's trustworthy saying is so dear to me:

Here is a trustworthy saying:...
if we are faithless,
he will remain faithful,
for he cannot disown himself.
~2 Timothy 2:11,13~

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