Wednesday, April 28, 2004


for any artists out there with artists' block, here's a surefire remedy: wander the streets of New York City. last weekend, i was down there with a friend and her dad and i was blown away at the amount of creativity and intriguing material we came across. but that's not what this post is about. ;p

during a discussion about the role of theatre, her dad said something to the effect of "art is the expression of the spirit." my friend responded by saying the difference between humans and animals is that we create art. on the surface, art seems frivolous - a waste of energy and material. but if you were to take art away, i think people would literally go crazy. so even though art is not a neccessity to physical survival, it is needed for mental wellness. so back to the expression of the spirit... this is where humans reflect the nature of God: in the act of creating something for beauty and/or expression. perhaps this is why people feel closest to God when they create (whether it be art, music or another human life)...

In the beginning, God created...
~Genesis 1:1~

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