Sunday, May 04, 2003


so i'm actually going. wow. i don't know how often (if at all) i will be able to update this blog for the next little while. but i will return june 20.

God has shown me so very much this past week - mostly about my own sinfulness - that i had to walk home from church today. it was really windy, but i'm glad for it. 'cuz somewhere in the wind, i was able to hear my thoughts and God's responses better. He reminded me that He had purposed me for all that happens in my life and He reminded me that above all else that may happen in the world, He loves me beyond compare. so it is with a peace and calm that i sleep now and joy will fill me tomorrow (perhaps not so much when i wake up at 4am... but who knows? ;p )...

Dear God, please bless the friends i leave behind. they have been so good to me. i pray that in six weeks, when i return, we will have God-stories to share about how You've shown Your glory in our small lives on both sides of this planet. in Jesus' sweet name i pray. Amen.

Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel...
~Ephesians 6:19~

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