Monday, November 06, 2006


there are two reasons why i love the new Chris Tomlin CD. the first, is that it's a great CD both musically and lyrically. the second is because it carries much meaning in my life at this point. allow me to explain...

last year, my time overseas was THE hardest year i've experienced so far in this short quarter-century of life. ministry was slow, my health wasn't the greatest and emotionally, it was a dark dark time. God was using that year to refine me and uproot some deep things in my life - a process that was very painful.

then i came back to Toronto.

and the blessings started to pour.

not only was ministry going well, progress was happening (slowly) on the health front and God was giving me opportunities to witness to several of my friends. as if that wasn't enough, God moved a dear friend and godly man to pursue me. See The Morning was a gift from Tim to me a few days before he took the plunge and invited me into the adventure of courtship(!) [i said yes, btw :) read here for Tim's exciting re-telling of the story]

there are many remarkable things about what's happening in my life right now. but most of all, i'm amazed and comforted by the truth that our God is just as loving, faithful and worthy of praise in the dark nights as He is when the morning dawns.

...weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
~Psalm 30:5~

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.
~Lamentations 3:22-23~


tim chan said...

i was listening to that cd on my way home tonight. i love these lyrics:

"I can sing in the troubled times
Sing when I win
I can sing when I lose my step
And fall down again
I can sing 'cause You pick me up
Sing 'cause You're there
I can sing 'cause You hear me, Lord
When I call to You in prayer
I can sing with my last breath
Sing for I know
That I'll sing with the angels
And the saints around the throne"

there's alot of people excited to meet you here. can't wait til you come! =)

hillidilli said...

So happy for you Olive! Same with mon, I wanna see how he looks like too!

Anonymous said...

Rooting for you, Olive. He is faithful!

Anonymous said...

:) mmhmm - i can't wait to get to know you too! if you ever need to gang up on tim, dan and i will be here for you! :D

- tiff

Anonymous said...

dear olive,

you don't know me. yet. haha. but I am one of the many people very eager to meet you when you come to vancouver. tim is right. I am indeed excited to meet this awesome woman of God that tim has obediently decided to pursue.

oh, right. introduction. I'm dorcas, tiffy's best friend. practically her sister. so if we're not being technical, almost tim's sister. haha. I've known tim, dan, and tiffy for nearly 13 years now and I love them to bits and I know that I will love you too. yay!

excuse my enthusiasm, I'm crazy like that.

may the Lord continue to bless you and keep you in your courtship and I'll see you in january when you come! yay for new friends and yay for our awesome God!



(my site: but I have not written in ages.

Anonymous said...

mhm. I do get messages on xanga but don't actually write anymore. I noticed you are currently reading Gary Frieson's book. Recently I heard a sermon that mentioned his book but mentioned in a way that did not agree with Gary's thoughts on knowing the will of God. I was wondering your thoughts on the book. Do you like it? Would you recommend it?

I also have: "How to Fight for Joy" by John Piper. It's been on my shelf for awhile but I just haven't had the time to dive in.

talk to you soon!


vinci said...

Dear Olive,

I'm so incredibly happy for you and Tim, CONGRATULATIONS!!! :) We have a lotta catching up to do in terms of what's been happening in both our lives in the last several months. Tim sounds like a wonderful MOG for sure :) I'm so excited for you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

PRAISE THE LORD! this is an AWESOME thing He has done!! i'm so happy for the both of you olive! you totally deserve a MOG and he deserves a WOG and you sure are one!! :) haha i'm so giddy :) YAY! congrats you two :)

Anonymous said...

Wow!! What a beautiful picture I can see. An olive tree is blooming, and a honey bee is buzzing, trying to harvest some honey and of course,honey bee doesn't like mushrooms.
So happy for you!


Anonymous said...

hey olive!! i'm so happy for you!!
i pray that your relationship would be full of God and blessed like you can't imagine
please keep me up to date as to where you are so i can keep writing to you! i have yet to reply the postcard :D


Anonymous said...

Oh, thought of another one for you, Ollie! Boundaries in Dating, another classic. :)

I'm really really really excited for you two! I'll be praying for ya, sistah!