Olive, have you ever had acupuncture before?
looking at my naturopathic doctor, i emphatically shake my head, NO!
she looks at me, are you scared?
i emphatically nod my head, YES!
do you trust me?
how could i not trust her? we've grown up together.
so ten minutes later, i'm lying on my back with needles poking out from various points of my body. unexpected and weird, to be sure. but thankfully, not painful.
my first experience with acupuncture. and that was only a number of days ago. but as i was lying there, i got to thinking about her question, do you trust me? and i thought about how important it is to have trust. it's not only important in things like acupuncture where someone else is inserting needles into your body, but it's also important in friendships, where you have to take risks in opening yourself up to another. trust is also a key thing when it comes to our relationship with God. will i trust Him with where He's taking me? will i trust Him with what He's asking me to do? sometimes, the experiences He brings me through feel as awkward and odd as having needles poking out of my skin, but despite what i see, will i trust Him?
that, i guess, is what faith is all about.
~Psalm 56:3~