Saturday, June 28, 2003


Just to tell you that I love you
Isn't whatyou need to hear right now
Words only last as long as we're talking
But you've drifted away somehow.

Know that I am always with you
Never too far, too far away
When you don't know who you are anymore
That's when you'll hear me say

Let Me walk you home
I will pick your favourite flower
Let Me walk you home
I will show you that you're beautiful
Let Me walk you home
I will hold you close to me
So you can hear my heatbeat
Let Me walk you home.

I'm on the road you walk on
Understanding all of your pain
Let me be the light that guides you
Along every step of the way

I'm there when you stumble
Always reaching out, calling your name
If you would listen to the calm of your heart
That's when you'll hear me say

Let Me walk you home
I will pick your favourite flower
Let Me walk you home
I will show you that you're beautiful
Let Me walk you home
I will hold you close to me
So you can hear my heatbeat
Let Me walk you home.

Let me caress you with the warmth of the sun
And the cool of the breeze
I smile at you through the flowers
And the faces you see
I'll sing through the fountains and streams
And know all of this means I love you
I love you.

one thing that stuck me while i was in Japan was the sheer amount of flowers everywhere. many of them i had never seen in Canada. i found so much joy walking around because there was so much colour and beauty. there were flowers of all shapes and sizes - some of the tiny ones were really exquisite! but what was most interesting to me was the fact that there were wildflowers sprouting from between the cracks in the sidewalk.

each time i saw a flower, i would be reminded of God, who loves me so much that He woos me with flowers. if you think about it, God didn't have to make hundreds of flowers individually. He could have easily decided to make one type and left it at that. but because He is the Lover of our souls, He takes the time and care to give us beauty in our world.

Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
~Luke 12:27~

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