Saturday, January 25, 2003


woohoo! by God's grace, i've made it through this first week back! i'm caught up on 2 out of 5 of my classes (hoping to finish catching up this weekend). and although i've been perpetually exhausted, i've managed to make it through every day without napping. :> sleep still feels like it's just beyond my reach but i guess i'm learning that sleep is not where all my strength comes from.

anywho, i have just enough time to add another trip blog. so here ya go, it's a short one...


I admit it, I don't understand the appeal of brand names. Sure, it shows that you have money and status, but really, what if in the end you lose it all? What are you left with? If you build your identity on Prada shoes and Dior bags, who are you if it is taken from you?

Being in Hong Kong has really made that clear to me. Your identity must come from something other than owning the trendiest clothing and accessories. As Christians, our identity must come from nothing else but Jesus Christ. Because of Him, we are nothing less than God's very own children. and that's something we will never lose.

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
~Matthew 6:20-21~

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