Friday, October 12, 2007


A couple weekends ago, I had the pleasure of an after-dinner hang-out with a few of my favourite people. Over some blended coffee drinks and tea, the conversation turned toward the topic of risk. The question posed was, "What are some of the biggest risks you've taken in your life?" We took turns sharing our stories.

It was my turn. As I opened my mouth to speak, I began to realize that although I've taken quite a few risks (especially in the last few years), I didn't really consider them risks. I made my decisions because I knew God was in them. To not take the risk would be the bigger risk. To obey has been the safest thing for me to do.

We had stumbled upon yet another example of the upside-down workings of the way of the Cross: what seems a big risk is really the safest thing; and what seems safe, may actually be the riskiest thing.

I'm really not that much of a risk-taker. I'm just foolishly obedient. ;)

Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it.
~Luke 17:33~


tim chan said...

sounds like an excellent conversation ;)

ols said...

of course. it was an excellent question ;)

Anonymous said...

i can't agree with you more, to obey is the safest thing to do, as an old hymn said: "trust and obey, there's no other way". you're wise!
