Saturday, October 14, 2006


a friend and I were musing over dim sum yesterday about faith and art and missions in Asia when out of the blue, she said something like, "until you embrace the ridiculousness of God, you don't experience the fullness of all He wants to bless you with." that's probably one of the best descriptions of how our relationship with God works. not only is salvation - the idea that God would become a man to die in our place - ridiculous, but many things God calls us to do, many steps of faith seem ridiculous. i feel like this morning i potentially wrecked something that was going well. in this case, God's holiness seems ridiculous, especially when compared to the world's standard of what's acceptable. embracing God's ridiculousness is to trust that He knows what He's asking for - and that it's for our good.

so even though all i see right now is the ridiculous, i trust that somewhere down the line, i'll see the blessing.

The king said to Daniel, "Surely your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries..."
~Daniel 2:47~


tim chan said...

ri?dic?u?lous?/ [ri-dik-yuh-luhs] adj.
causing or worthy of ridicule or derision; absurd; preposterous; laughable.

yes, this is probably the first time i've heard God being described this way. although using this word almost seems rude, i have to agree. from our perspective (limited and blurred), many of God's ways seem ridiculous. it takes faith and courage to embrace what seems ridiculous at the time, trusting in God's goodness and love for us.

ols said...

i suppose, from that definition there, "preposterous" or "laughable" would be more adequate descriptions. like Sarah, when God told her she was going to have a baby at 90 years of age.

faith is the key. and oh how we need his grace to give us the faith we need!