Saturday, July 23, 2005


i interrupt my letter and thank you card writing to post my most recent thoughts - my journal entry this morning at that! (actually, i'm just in desperate need for a break from my papers and cards and envelopes.)

i am understanding more and more the heart of the prophet. that the insight God gives leads to repentance and trust in Him. that the sorrow begins in the heart of the one called to speak. that a prophet lives to please God and not people.

being back here and having the platform i now have to speak out on the state of missions in our church, i recognize the unique position that God has placed me in. i am, perhaps, a modern day prophet? on first thought, it sounds lofty. but what is a prophet? it is one whom God has given a message to speak and is compelled to speak His word, despite people's reactions, acceptance, rejection, popularity or disdain. from my experiences this past year, i know that God has given me much to speak on; that God has a challenging message for the leadership and those around me to hear and hopefully act on. i also know that this past year has taught me to speak what i know i need to speak. i can hide no longer.

i only pray that i would be full of love - that it would not all be for nothing. Lord, help me!

If I have the gift of prophecy...but have not love, I am nothing.
~1 Corinthians 13:2~

1 comment:

lynnie said...

hum... interesting blog.