Thursday, August 12, 2004


for the past 23 years, i've attended many surprise parties for other people. and each time, i've wondered whether i'd ever get my turn. well, last night, i got it good. and the funniest thing was that it wasn't a birthday party, or even a going away party. it was my church commissioning service! yah. a surprise commissioning service. :)

my good friend conned me into going to church by booking me for coffee and then saying she had to photocopy something at church. so i happily went along. hah. little did i know what was waiting for me! anyway, it was a very touching evening and i feel more undeserving of the love of God and of all my friends as ever. to understand the story fully though, i must backtrack a bit. 'cuz i realize it might seem odd to have to have a mid-week surprise commissioning service.

my commissioning service was originally scheduled for this past sunday. however, on saturday, the church sewage pipes burst (eew) and the decision was made to cancel church the next day. my initial reaction was disappointment and frustration at God - how could He allow church to be cancelled on my commissioning sunday?! i've mentioned before that i've been going through the excercise of asking God to let me look into His eyes and really see His face. so saturday night, after i heard the news, my thoughts were God, i don't understand you right now. i can't even vaguely see your face let alone look into your eyes! and God softly answered shhh... put aside your initial emotional reactions and look closer. so i did. and i actually saw His eyes for the first time. eyes full of deep love. smiling eyes. eyes with a little twinkle in them. as if God had something up His sleeve. and i smiled, knowing that there was something surprising and delightful that was in store for me.

and so, after the initial shock of seeing a room full of people who were there expressly for me, i got the joke. had the sewage pipes not burst, none of us would have experienced such a beautiful, memorable evening of celebrating God's goodness and stepping into a new place of faith. this was why God had a twinkle in His eye! :)

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD , "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future [and surprises!]"
~Jeremiah 29:11[translation mine]~

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