Tuesday, December 16, 2003


yes, folks, there is actually a street named Zzyzx in California. how it's pronounced is a very good question. :)

i'm back in town and yes, i had a wonderful time-off with my parents. seeing as Christmas is approaching, i thought i'd dedicate this entry to my thoughts on Mary, the mother of Jesus.

ever since a very long time ago, i've always felt attracted to the character of Mary. there was something about the way she was described in the gospels as treasuring up memories of Christ in her heart - the way she appreciated every moment of the situation she was in. it wasn't until last week that i could pinpoint why i liked her so much.

the first reason why i admire Mary is that young as she was, she allowed God to interrupt her plans for her life - she was wholly surrendered to God for His purposes. she walked with courage and she didn't worry about her reputation. i'm somewhat at a point in my life right now where God's "interrupting my plans" so to speak. i have much to learn from her. :>

secondly, arguably, Mary's was made to be a mother. that was her purpose. from my childhood days, i've always wanted to be a mother and i've felt that that was what i was made for. so knowing that God made Mary to be a mother encourages me when most of society today doesn't think too much of motherhood.

anyway, there's a rather personal entry for ya. ;> *sigh* back to the Christmas cards i go... :>

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
~Luke 2:19~

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