Thursday, September 07, 2006


it seems that lately, i'm on a Genesis kick. :)

i was talking to a friend one night about how God made Adam wait for Eve and gave him the job of naming the animals when the full weight of the responsibility hit me. as an artist, i usually name my works. and it bugs me when people get the name wrong. what baffles me is that God would make all these fantastic creatures and then let Adam name them! like, what if Adam called it a giraffe when God himself would have named it a dimiatee? the fact that God let Adam name his animals speaks volumes about the amount of trust that God has in us. this is how much God values his people!

similarly, i wonder God has His own set of names for us people? like Jacob, God renamed Israel. i wonder if God privately thinks of us in terms of names other than the ones our parents named us?

i guess i'll have to wait till heaven to find that one out. :p

How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
~Psalm 139:17~